
Survey for Free Premium

Howdy folks, been a while since the last one of these, thanks so much for all the support you've given us this past year!

We decided that the best way to start the new year off would be to gather feedback from you, our lovely community, so we created a survey and added it to the site! Check it out here!

We've got some plans for 2023 that we're excited to share with you, but we're still working out some of the the details, and we're looking forward to reading through your feedback! Your responses will help us set our priorities for the year and bring you guys the features you want most.

To sweeten the deal, we've decided to give anyone who completes the survey one month of Premium free! For more info, check out the FAQ section below, or come on over to the Support Server and ask us!


What do I get from Tupperbox Premium?

Take a look at our Premium page to see a list of features.

Q: What happens if I'm over the 500 tupper limit when my account runs out of Premium?

Your tuppers are safe! You'll only lose the ability to create new tuppers until you're below the 500 tupper limit again, or you subscribe to Premium.

Q: What if I already have Premium?

If you're already a Premium subscriber, your free month will be held in storage until you cancel your subscription, after which it will activate. We'd have preferred to give you the free month up front, but unfortunately there's no good way to do this with the way that Patreon handles billing.

Q: Will I be billed automatically once my free month ends?

No, not at all. Once your free month ends, your Premium benefits will end and you will not have to pay for anything unless you want to manually subscribe to Premium again.

Q: When do my Premium benefits activate?

Benefits activate immediately after completing the survey. If this doesn't happen, let us know in the Support Server and we'll fix it.

Q: How long can I procrastinate filling out the survey?

We're planning on closing the survey in exactly one month, so you'll have until the 17th of February to wait to fill it out and claim your free month.

Q: Will my responses be used for any nefarious deeds?

Absolutely not! We will use your responses exclusively for determining our priorities for bot development in the near future, and nothing else. Any data you ever give us will always be kept safe, locked away in a secure location, deep underground, encased in 3 meters of concrete, and guarded by a mythical beast, to be used only for bot-related activity.

~ Gasparr, Amphibious Webmaster