Privacy Policy

Last updated: September 5, 2024

Table of Contents

  1. Scope of This Policy
  2. Information Collected
  3. How We Use Your Information
  4. Legal Basis for Processing
  5. How We Disclose Your Information
  6. Cookies
  7. Protections of Personal Data
  8. How Long We Retain User Data
  9. Children's Privacy
  10. International Transfer of User Data
  11. Your Rights and Controlling Your Personal Information
  12. Changes to This Policy
  13. Contact Us

In this Privacy Policy (“Policy”), Tupperbox LLC and its affiliated entities (“Tupperbox”, “we,” “us”, or “our”) set out how we, as data controller, may collect, create, share, and use personal information relating to identifiable individuals (“Personal Data”), other details regarding the use of the Services, and information we collect directly related to your use of the Tupperbox software (together “User Data”).

This Privacy Policy is integrated into and made part of the Terms of Service and by continuing to use the Services, you agree to both this Privacy Policy and the Terms of Service.

Scope of This Policy

This Policy describes Tupperbox’s privacy practices for User Data collected by Tupperbox websites (“Sites”) and applications (together the “Services”) as well as other activities, such as if you interact with Tupperbox and provide User Data.

Please read this Policy in full. By using our Sites, using the Services, or participating in other activities with Tupperbox described below, you consent to the collection, creation, sharing and use of information as described in this Policy, where consent is required by relevant law.

As a convenience to visitors to our Sites, we may also provide links to other websites that are not governed by this Policy. These linked websites are not under the control of Tupperbox and we are not responsible for the content on such websites or the protection/privacy-policy of any information which you provide while visiting such websites.

Information Collected

We do not sell User Data to third parties and we only collect information that is necessary for the operation of the Services. This includes:

User Content

We collect content provided directly to us for future lookup and display, such as:

  • Profile content for tuppers
    • Tupper names, nicknames, tags, descriptions, birthdays, and brackets.
    • Avatars and banner images.
  • Profile content for groups
    • Group names, tags, and descriptions.
    • Group avatars and banner images.

Third-Party Account Identifiers

We collect this information in order to be able to look up the data associated with a particular user, server, or message:

  • Discord User IDs of users who have interacted with the Services.
  • Discord Channel IDs and Guild IDs for channels where the Tupperbox bot has been used or configured for use.
  • Discord Message IDs (NOT message content) for messages sent through tuppers.
  • Patreon or Stripe IDs for Premium subscribers.

Diagnostic Information

We collect this information because it greatly helps us track down issues and improve our services:

  • Device information when you access our website, e.g. IP address, browser information, and language preferences.
  • Certain usage data that we log for debugging purposes, e.g. command usage, API requests, and errors.
  • Anonymous bulk statistics.

Personal Identifiers

We collect this information to respond to your direct communications with us, as well as to fulfill our contractual and legal obligations:

  • Contact information and other content provided directly to us via email, phone, mail, Discord message, etc.
  • Email address and billing information such as name, address, partial credit card number, or financial account information, if you purchase Tupperbox products or services.

Feedback and Correspondence

We collect this information to provide you with support and improve our services:

  • Suggestions, ideas, or feedback provided directly to us.
  • Information from otherwise engaging/interacting with you, such as in support requests or survey responses.

How We Use Your Information

We do not provide any User Data to third parties except as necessary to provide our services, such as sending your User Content to Discord. We do not use any User Data for profiling or automated decision making. We do not use any User Data for marketing purposes.

User Content

User Content is entirely user submitted, and is primarily stored and processed for the purpose of displaying later in alignment with the user's wishes and privacy settings. It is possible that the user may enter personally identifying information as User Content, if a user chooses to upload it. We do not encourage that users do this, and we do not process this information except to display it in alignment with the user's wishes and actions within the Services.

Third-Party Account Identifiers

When a user begins to use the Services, we are notified by Discord and given the user's basic account information, including the account ID. We record this account ID, and use it to identify the user within Discord and the Tupperbox Services. Similarly, when a user engages in a transaction with a third party payment processor to purchase a Tupperbox Premium subscription, we are sent a notification from that service, including relevant identifiers for that service, such as the Patreon, Stripe, or Discord account ID used for checkout. We use these identifiers to know when to provide users with Premium features.

Diagnostic Information

Diagnostic information, such as browser and device information, is collected automatically through the use of the Services, and is used to help diagnose and fix issues with the Services.

Personal Identifiers

Personal identifiers such as email address, full name, address, phone number, and mailing address are not collected unless provided directly to us via your direct correspondence or a purchase of a Tupperbox product or service. In general, we prefer to identify you only by third-party account identifiers and only use personal identifiers when necessary to respond to your communications, to verify your identity, or in order to process a transaction.

Feedback and Correspondence

When you provide feedback to us via any available channel, including suggestions, ideas, and requests, we may collect any relevant information in order to add a suggestion or bug report to our issue tracker. This information is typically anonymized and is only used for the purpose of improving the Services.

Depending on your relationship with Tupperbox, we may use your User Data for different purposes. Where required by applicable law in relation to the particular use, we will obtain your consent to collect and use your User Data. Otherwise, we will rely on another legal basis, such as in connection with a contract or for our legitimate interests, as set out below.

In the following tables:

  • “Content” refers to User Content
  • “Account IDs” refers to Third-Party Account Identifiers
  • “Diagnostics” refers to Diagnostic Information
  • “Personal” refers to Personal Identifiers
  • “Feedback” refers to Feedback & Correspondence

To Fulfill Our Contract With You

Reason Examples Types Used
To provide you with our services Normal operation of bot and website Content, Account IDs
To respond to your inquiries, comments, and suggestions Communicate with users Content, Account IDs, Personal, Feedback
To provide support Work with users to diagnose their problems Content, Account IDs, Diagnostics, Personal, Feedback
To bill you and process payments Purchasing Tupperbox Premium Account IDs, Personal

For Our Legitimate Interests

Reason Examples Types Used
To protect our services Enforcement of policies, prevention of abuse Content, Account IDs, Diagnostics
To improve our services Continue development of the services, inspiration for new features Content, Diagnostics, Feedback
To analyze and report on the usage of our services Report user count, level of activity Content, Account IDs, Diagnostics

We may also retain and use User Data to comply with legal obligations, such as for compliance, regulatory, and auditing purposes.

How We Disclose Your Information

In many cases it is necessary to disclose your User Data (for example, your tupper and group content) to provide our services. Usually this means we disclose your information to Discord, through which the information may be made public depending on both Discord and Tupperbox configuration.

Tupperbox will only share User Data to the extent needed to perform the relevant use and will take such steps as are necessary to safeguard User Data. For example, our vendors, advisors and contractors are required to keep such User Data confidential and not to use it other than for the purposes intended. Tupperbox partners are obliged to comply with the privacy rules set out in their agreement with Tupperbox. Tupperbox does not sell or rent User Data to third parties.

Most User Data can be made publicly searchable through the Discord bot using your Discord User ID. It is recommended to configure data privacy using the tul!private command or the Tupperbox Dashboard if you wish for your data to remain private.

Tupperbox may also disclose User Data to comply with legal requirements, such as in relation to legal proceedings or investigations by governmental or law enforcement agencies (including national security agencies), or to meet tax or other reporting requirements, including to:

  • protect and defend the rights or property of Tupperbox, including the defense and management of legal claims and investigations,
  • act in urgent circumstances to protect the personal safety of users of our Services, our Tupperbox team members, or the public,
  • as part of a merger or change in corporate ownership or control, and/or
  • as otherwise permitted or required by applicable law.


As is true of most websites, when you visit our Sites, cookies will be placed on your device (computer, mobile or tablet). A "cookie" is a small text file that is placed on your device by websites you visit.

Tupperbox only uses strictly necessary cookies, which enable the Sites to function correctly and deliver the Services and products you have requested. These cookies do not gather information about you that could be used for marketing or remembering other websites you have visited on the internet. We use persistent cookies, which remain on your device after leaving the Sites, in order to keep you signed in between sessions. You can generally disable and manage the use of cookies by changing your browser settings, though this is not recommended for our Sites as it will likely break site functionality.

Protections of Personal Data

Tupperbox takes appropriate precautions to protect User Data from loss, misuse, unauthorized access, disclosure, alteration or destruction. Such measures may include:

  • using security controls such as passwords, firewalls and/or encryption,
  • restricting User Data to those with a legitimate purpose in receiving/accessing it,
  • deidentifying User Data, or assigning codes or Account IDs when the personal identifiers are not required for the purpose at hand,
  • providing training and internal policies to team members to embed privacy and security across our organization, and
  • putting in place relevant procedures (such as privacy and security vetting) and contracts relating to the use and protection of User Data with third parties.

Although we will do our best to protect the personal information you provide to us, we advise that no method of electronic transmission or storage is fully secure, and no one can guarantee absolute data security.

Tupperbox does not directly keep accounts, and uses exclusively third party services such as Discord to provision access to your data. You are responsible for the security of any third-party accounts you choose to use, including Discord. To ensure that you are able to continue to have access to your account, we strongly recommend use of appropriate security measures, such as use of a secure, unique password, and two factor authentication on Discord.

If you lose access to your Discord account, you may no longer be able to access your Tupperbox data. If your Discord account has been deleted, we will begin the process of purging all data associated with your account within a reasonable time frame.

How Long We Retain User Data

Tupperbox will retain and process User Data for a period of time consistent with the purpose of collection (see “How We Use Your Personal Information” above) and/or as long as is necessary to fulfill our legal obligations.

Children's Privacy

We do not knowingly collect Personal Data from children under the age of 13. If you are under the age of 13, please do not submit any Personal Data through our Services. We encourage parents and legal guardians to monitor their children's Internet usage and to help enforce our Privacy Policy by instructing their children to never provide Personal Data on our Services without their permission. If we become aware that we have collected Personal Data from a child under the age of 13 without parental consent, we will take steps to remove that data as soon as possible.

International Transfer of User Data

The User Data that we collect or receive about you when providing the Services may be transferred to and processed by recipients which are located inside or outside the European Economic Area ("EEA"). Tupperbox transfers your User Data to the United States, or in some cases the data may continue to reside in the EEA.

User Data might be transferred to countries which were not recognized as offering an adequate level of protection from a European data protection law perspective, in such a case Tupperbox will take all necessary measures to ensure that transfers out of the EEA are adequately protected as required by applicable data protection law. With respect to transfers to countries not providing an adequate level of data protection the transfer is made based on appropriate safeguards, such as standard data protection clauses adopted by the European Commission or by a supervisory authority, approved codes of conduct together with binding and enforceable commitments of the recipient, or approved certification mechanisms together with binding and enforceable commitments of the recipient.

Your Rights and Controlling Your Personal Information

If you are located in the European Economic Area, you have the following rights with respect to your User Data:

  • You can request access to your User Data.
  • You can request to correct or update your User Data.
  • You can request erasure of your User Data.
  • You can object to processing of your User Data, ask us to restrict processing of your User Data, or request portability of your User Data.
  • You can withdraw your consent at any time if we have collected and processed your User Data with your consent.
  • You can complain to a data protection authority about our collection and use of your User Data.

In order to exercise these rights, you can use available tools provided by the Tupperbox bot or website to access, correct, update, or delete most of your User Data, or you can contact us via the Support Server or email us at [email protected] to exercise other rights.

If you reside outside the European Economic Area, you may not be entitled to some or all of the above rights. However, we still agree with the spirit of consumer protection laws and data privacy, and will attempt to honor requests made in alignment with the rights listed above.

Your request to exercise your rights above may be limited in certain situations, for example if your request would reveal information about another person.

Non-discrimination: We will not discriminate against you for exercising any of your rights over your User Data. If you exercise any such rights, we will not deny you goods or services and/or charge you different prices or rates for goods or services, including through granting discounts or other benefits, or impose penalties, or provide you with a different level or quality of goods or services.

Notification of data breaches: We will comply with laws applicable to us in respect of any data breach.

Changes to This Policy

Tupperbox reserves the right to modify or update this Policy from time to time to reflect changes in technology, our practices, law and other factors impacting the collection/use of User Data.

If this Policy is updated, we will attempt to notify you via an announcement in the Support Server and a prominent notice displayed on this website. You are encouraged to regularly check this Policy for any updates.

Contact Us

The best place to contact us regarding issues, bugs, or questions about normal use of our Services is our Support Server.

If you have any questions regarding any of Tupperbox's policies, you can also contact us at:

[email protected]

For inquiries of a more formal nature, you can send a letter to:

Tupperbox LLC 7533 S Center View Ct STE R West Jordan, UT 84084 United States