
New User Settings Page and Variants Overhaul Update

Hey folks, we're back with some exciting updates and important news. First, let's start with the good news.

User Settings Page Now Live!

We're pleased to announce that the User Settings page we promised is now live on the Dashboard! This new feature allows you to configure your Tupperbox settings for any given server, category, channel, or thread all in one place, using an easy to navigate interface.

On the left, you'll find a list of your Discord servers, categories, channels, and thread. On the right is a configuration panel where you can adjust your settings. This allows you to control your settings on a server-by-server basis, or even within specific categories, channels, or threads.

Variants Overhaul Delayed

Now for the not-so-great news. We initially planned to release the Variants Overhaul, which allows you to set up alternate display names and avatars for any given Tupper for different scenarios. We know many of you have been eagerly anticipating this feature. However, due to some unexpected challenges in restructuring how brackets work internally, as well as some other, more pressing issues which have taken a good deal of our time, we're pushing back the rollout.

Rest assured, we are working diligently to address these issues and bring this feature to you as soon as possible.

Quality of Life Patches

While we work on the Variants Overhaul, we don't want to leave you hanging. We've been working on a series of Quality of Life updates that will include various improvements to Tupperbox. Our goal with these patches is to make your overall experience smoother and more enjoyable. One of these updates launched last week, and brought an overhaul to many commands such that they now use message components instead of reaction buttons. Check out the Support Server's #announcements channel, or look at the bot's announcement feed for the specific patch notes. The general theme for these improvements will be adding new helpful commands and streamlining old ones.

As always, thank you for your support and patience. If you have any questions or need help, don't hesitate to join our Support Server.

~ Gasparr, Internet Frog