

  • tul!auto <name>
    • Start autoproxying with <name>. Any bracket-less message you send in a channel with proxying enabled will be proxied as <name>.
  • tul!auto set <name>
    • Same as the above.
  • tul!auto off
    • Disable autoproxying.
  • tul!auto clear
    • Remove autoproxy settings. This is the same as off/disable unless you're using scoped settings.
  • tul!auto sticky
    • Activate "sticky mode". Any time you manually trigger a tupper in sticky mode, messages you send afterwards will autoproxy with that tupper. This is also known as "latch mode".
  • tul!auto status
    • View a list of your autoproxy settings in this server.

Note: Tupperbox has a configurable prefix. In command examples above, replace tul! with your server's Tupperbox prefix where necessary.

When you have autoproxying enabled, any bracket-less message you send in a channel will be proxied as the configured tupper instead. Start a message with one backslash \ to disable auto-proxying for that message. Start a message with two backslashes \\ to unset the current autoproxy tupper. This doesn't disable sticky mode.

Scoped Commands At the end of any of these commands, you can add one of these scopes: global, server, category, channel, thread. This allows you to do things like autoproxy only in a specific channel, or activate sticky mode for your entire account. Use tul!help scopes to learn more about how you can use scopes.

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