Configuring Your Server



The default prefix for Tupperbox is tul!. This means that to use a command, you would type something like tul!help in a channel where Tupperbox can see your message.

If you want to change the prefix, you can do so via the Server Config page or through Discord using the tul!cfg prefix command. For example, to change the prefix to t!, you would type tul!cfg prefix t!.

If you ever forget the prefix, you can always mention Tupperbox or use the Server Config page to see what the current prefix is.

Logging Channel

The single most useful tool for moderating servers with Tupperbox is the logging channel. Setting one up is highly recommended!


The logging channel will contain a record of all proxied messages sent using Tupperbox. This can be useful for moderation, tracking down issues, or just keeping a record of what's been said.

To set up a logging channel, use the Server Config page or the tul!cfg log command. For example, to set the logging channel to #tupper-logs, you would type tul!cfg log #tupper-logs.


At this time, the logging channel will log proxies sent in all channels. If you have any private spaces in your server, you may want to restrict who has access to the logging channel.

If you ever want to remove the logging channel, you can use the tul!cfg log command with the "clear" keyword, like tul!cfg log clear.

Tupperbox Permission System

Tupperbox has a robust permission system that allows you to control who can use tuppers and who can send proxies. This system is controlled through the Server Config page or the tul!cfg command.


Tupperbox permissions work similarly to Discord permissions, but they must be configured through Tupperbox.

There are three Tupperbox permissions you can configure:

  • commands - Controls who can use Tupperbox commands. By default, users can use commands.
  • proxies - Controls who can send tupper messages. By default, users can send proxies.
  • queries - Controls who can query tuppers and tupper messages using tools like tul!find, tul!showuser, and the reaction. By default, users can run all queries.

One popular way to use permissions is to restrict proxies to a specific role, which can be done with these commands:

  1. tul!cfg deny proxies - deny proxies to all users by default
  2. tul!cfg allow proxies @role - allow proxies to a specific role

Permissions can be set on a global level, or for specific channels, roles, or users. More narrow permissions will always take precedence over broader permissions.


Permissions are applied in the following order:
Default → Role → Channel → User

This means that a denied permission on a channel will override an allowed permission on a role, and a denied permission on a user will override any other permission. This is the main difference from how Discord's permission system works.

A permission can have one of these possible states for each scope:

  • ✅ allow - Allow the permission, overriding any broader permissions. This is the default for all permissions.
  • ❌ deny - Deny the permission, overriding any broader permissions.
  • ⏺ clear - Neither allow nor deny the permission. This means the broader permissions or the default will be used.