Table of Contents

  1. Something's not working right!
  2. Why can't my friends use my tupper?
  3. What's the limit on how many tuppers I can make?
  4. What does Tupperbox Premium give you?
  5. How do I get Tupperbox in my server?
  6. Why isn't my server showing up in the list when adding Tupperbox?
  7. I added Tupperbox, how do I restrict it so that only certain people/channels can use tuppers?
  8. Can I give my tupper a role or name color?
  9. Can I use Nitro/global emoji with tuppers?
  10. Why do other tupper profiles show up when I click/tap on my tupper's avatar next to a message?
  11. How can I support Tupperbox development?
  12. How can I fix payment issues or other Tupperbox Premium issues?
  13. I have a question that isn't answered here!

Something's not working right!

Check the Troubleshooting page!
If you're having issues with Tupperbox, the troubleshooting page is the best place to start. It covers common issues and solutions for Tupperbox users.
If you can't find your issue there, feel free to reach out in the Support Server for help!

Why can't my friends use my tupper?

Tuppers are user data, not server data!
All registered tuppers are usable only by the person that registered them. This is because Tupperbox is intended for users to register profiles/personas that they can take with them and use in any server with Tupperbox.

At the moment, the best you can do in this area is to use tul!export <name> to export the tupper and then send that file to your friends and have them tul!import it to get the tupper. Each user that wants to use the tupper has to do this, and any updates you make to the tupper won't be sent to the other copies.

True server-bound tuppers are currently not supported by Tupperbox, but they may be added in a future update!

What's the limit on how many tuppers I can make?

500 for free users, 5000 for Premium users.

What does Tupperbox Premium give you?

Visit the Premium page to see details!

Currently, premium gives you the following perks:

  • Raises tupper limit from 500 to 5000!
  • Show off your tupper in style with customizable profile cards!
  • Set a custom banner for your tuppers to show off their personality! Banners will show up in profile cards too!
  • Leverage the full power of Tupperbox's CDN for your tupper avatars by storing additional uncompressed and uncropped versions for easy access!
  • Send custom Discord embeds with tuppers!
  • Redirect tupper messages to different channels!
  • Get access to select upcoming features before anyone else!

How do I get Tupperbox in my server?

Click/tap the "Add App" button on Tupperbox's user profile.
You can also click Add to Server or use the tul!invite command to get the link in Discord.

Why isn't my server showing up in the list when adding Tupperbox?

You need the Manage Server permission to add bots.
If you're using an invite link or bot adding site like top.gg, you may also be logged in to the wrong Discord account in your browser.
We can't control the servers that show up on this page, so try contacting Discord if you still can't get Tupperbox in your server (although you're welcome to ask for help troubleshooting in the Support Server!)

I added Tupperbox, how do I restrict it so that only certain people/channels can use tuppers?

Use Tupperbox's robust server permission system located in tul!cfg.

For example, to restrict Tupperbox to a specific role or channel, you can run these commands:

  • tul!cfg deny proxies - deny proxies to all users by default
  • tul!cfg allow proxies @role - allow proxies to a specific role, overriding the default
  • tul!cfg allow proxies #channel - allow proxies in a specific channel, overriding the default Note: Mixing channel and role permissions can sometimes have confusing results. Even if you have proxies locked to a role, a channel override will allow all users to use proxies anyway. Try to keep it simple and use Discord permissions when applicable!

Can I give my tupper a role or name color?

Unfortunately, no. This is a Discord limitation.
We would love to support this, but Discord doesn't have the capability of setting a name color for webhooks (the technology powering tuppers).
There are open feature requests for this on Github and Discord's feedback site if you'd like to show Discord your support for this!

Can I use Nitro/global emoji with tuppers?

Yes, sort of.
Using nitro emoji with tuppers requires that Tupperbox itself is in the server the emoji comes from. This is a restriction placed by Discord and can't be circumvented.
If Tupperbox is in the server and it still won't work, make sure Tupperbox also has the "Use External Emoji" permission in your server.

Why do other tupper profiles show up when I click/tap on my tupper's avatar next to a message?

This is a Discord bug!
This bug happens on some platforms, especially iOS/Android, and is purely visual. We have no control over this and Discord has fixed and un-fixed it a couple times in the past.

How can I support Tupperbox development?

Share Tupperbox with your friends!
If you want to do more, consider subscribing to Premium - it pays our bills and gets you some cool perks! Check out the link for more info.
We do also have a Patreon if you prefer to donate rather than subscribe to our paid service.
Tupperbox is currently a team of 2, supported by volunteer helpers and moderators - we appreciate any form of support!

How can I fix payment issues or other Tupperbox Premium issues?

See one of the two sections below based on where you paid for Tupperbox Premium:

tupperbox.app or Stripe
  • Failed Payments - Use the Premium Dashboard or click the link in payment failure emails received from [email protected] to retry the payment.
  • Cancel Subscription - Use the Premium Dashboard or click the link in reminder emails received from [email protected] to manage your subscription.
  • Switch Discord Accounts - To switch Premium to another account, you can cancel your old subscription (see above), reach out for a refund by sending an email to [email protected], then get a new subscription for the new account.
  • Other/Can't access dashboard - The devs can help with any of the above issues or answer other questions you have. Reach out directly at [email protected]!
  • Failed Payments - Retry failed payments via your Patreon membership page.
  • Cancel Subscription - Edit your pledge via the Tupperbox membership page.
  • Switch Discord Accounts - Edit your Discord connection via the Patreon settings page. You can simply disconnect the old account and connect your new account and Tupperbox should pick it up quickly.
  • Premium Not Working - The Patreon connection can be finicky. Most failures can be fixed with the "Verify Patreon Account" button on the Premium Dashboard.
  • Other - The devs can help! Reach out directly via direct message on Patreon.

Please note that Tupperbox doesn't have a support team for payments or Premium. If you contact the devs directly please allow them some time to respond, especially on weekends and late hours (west US timezones).

I have a question that isn't answered here!

Join the Support Server and ask!
We're always happy to help with any questions you have, whether they're about Tupperbox, Discord, or anything else!

Note: Tupperbox has a configurable prefix. In command examples above, replace tul! with your server's Tupperbox prefix where necessary.