Tupperbox Commands

Note: Tupperbox has a configurable prefix. In command examples below, replace tul! with your server's Tupperbox prefix where necessary.

Getting Started

  • tul!register - Register a new tupper that you can send messages as
  • tul!remove - Remove a tupper from your account
  • tul!list - Get a list of your tuppers, or see someone else's
  • tul!avatar - Manage a tupper's avatar
  • tul!rename - Change a tupper's name
  • tul!brackets - Manage a tupper's brackets
  • tul!dash - Get a link to the Tupperbox Dashboard

Editing Tuppers

  • tul!avatar - Manage a tupper's avatar
  • tul!banner - Manage a tupper's banner
  • tul!birthday - Manage a tupper's birthday, or see upcoming tupper birthdays
  • tul!brackets - Manage a tupper's brackets
  • tul!describe - Manage a tupper's description
  • tul!nick - Manage a tupper's nickname, also known as a display name
  • tul!rename - Change a tupper's name
  • tul!tag - Manage a tupper's tag, displayed next to their name when proxying
  • tul!togglebrackets - Toggles whether a tupper's brackets show up in messages


  • tul!group - Manage your tupper groups
  • tul!listng - Like list, but without showing group info
  • tul!find - Search all server members tuppers
  • tul!show - Show info about one of your tuppers
  • tul!profile - Display a tupper's shareable profile card


  • tul!auto - Set up autoproxy to save time typing brackets
  • tul!proxy - Change whether your tuppers are active in a server (or globally, or in a specific channel, etc)
  • tul!private - Change your privacy settings
  • tul!cfg - Manage tupper permissions, logging, and other admin settings


  • tul!delete - Delete a message you sent with a tupper
  • tul!edit - Edit a message you sent with a tupper
  • tul!showuser - Reveal the user behind a tupper

Data Management

  • tul!import - Import tuppers and groups from a file
  • tul!export - Export your tuppers and groups to a file
  • tul!prune - Find and remove unused or old tuppers
  • tul!purge - Remove all of your tuppers and groups

Get Help

  • tul!support - Get an invite to the Tupperbox Support Server
  • tul!help - Learn how to use specific commands
  • tul!diagnose - Check for permission or configuration issues

About Me

  • tul!invite - Invite Tupperbox to your server
  • tul!privacy - View the Tupperbox Privacy Policy
  • tul!stats - Show technical info about Tupperbox's operation