

  • tul!private enable [scope]
    • Set your data to private. This will hide your tuppers and groups from commands like tul!list and tul!find.
  • tul!private disable [scope]
    • Set your data to public. Other users will be able to see your tuppers and groups with the tul!list and tul!find commands.
  • tul!private status
    • View your privacy configuration in the current server.

Note: Tupperbox has a configurable prefix. In command examples above, replace tul! with your server's Tupperbox prefix where necessary.

Scoped Commands At the end of any of these commands, you can add one of these scopes: global, server, category, channel, thread. This allows you to do things like enable global privacy but disable it in trusted servers. Use tul!help scopes to learn more about how you can use scopes.

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