User Settings & Scopes


There are currently three user settings you can configure for your account:

  • Proxying - This setting controls whether Tupperbox will check your messages for proxying. You can turn this off in a server if you don't want to use Tupperbox there.
  • Autoproxy - This setting allows you to set up autoproxying, which sends messages as a tupper without needing to type out the brackets every time.
  • Private List - This setting controls whether other users can pull up information about your list with commands such as tul!list and tul!find. This is off by default, meaning your data is public.

You can configure each of these settings in two ways:

Proxying Setting

The Proxying setting is the most straightforward. It allows you to tell Tupperbox not to check your messages for tupper messages in a server, category, channel, etc.

This can be useful if you want to avoid unintentional proxies outside of specific channels, or if you're in a server that gives you the option of multiple proxy bots and you don't want to use Tupperbox there.


Having proxying disabled can lead to later confusion if you forget to re-enable it when you want to use Tupperbox again.

Remember that you can always use tul!diagnose to check why your tuppers aren't working if you're having trouble!

Here's one common way people use the Proxying setting:

  • tul!proxy off global - Disable use of tuppers in all servers
  • tul!proxy on server - Enable use of tuppers in a specific server

With these settings, you can control which servers you have to think about your tuppers' brackets in.

Autoproxy Setting

Autoproxying is an advanced feature that allows you to send messages as a tupper without needing to type out the brackets every time.

This can be useful for long roleplays where you mostly use a small set of characters, or for plural folks!


If you're interested in how to use autoproxying, check out the Autoproxying section of the Proxying guide!
This section will give some examples of how autoproxying can be used with Scopes.

Here's one common way people use the Autoproxy setting:

  • tul!auto sticky category - Enable Sticky Mode for a specific category. Autoproxy will only apply to this category, and not the rest of the server!

Having autoproxying enabled unintentionally can be confusing and disorienting. Remember that you can always use tul!auto off to turn off autoproxying!

Don't forget to check the Autoproxying section of the Proxying guide for more ways to use this feature.

Privacy Setting

The Private List setting controls whether other users can pull up information about your list with commands such as tul!list and tul!find. This is off by default, meaning your data is public.

This can be useful if you're in a server where you don't want others to know about your tuppers, or if your tupper details contain information you'd rather keep private.


The default scope for this setting is global! If you're going to enable privacy anywhere, it's highly recommended that you ensure it's also enabled globally.

This is because the tul!list command can be used in DMs, and if privacy is disabled globally, it's still possible to view details about your tuppers via DMs with Tupperbox.

Here's one common way people use the Privacy setting:

  • tul!private on - Enable data privacy globally for your account.
  • tul!private off server - Disable privacy in a trusted server.


User settings can be applied globally or to specific servers, categories, and channels. These are collectively called scopes.


Settings applied at more specific scopes will take precedence over settings applied at less specific scopes.

Settings are applied in this order:
Default → Global → Server → Category → Channel → Thread

To use scopes, you can either navigate to a specific server/category/channel/thread in the visual interface of the User Settings page, or use the global, server, category, channel, and thread keywords in the commands.

By default, scopes in commands will affect the current scope you're in. For example, if you're in a channel and you use tul!proxy off channel, it will disable proxying in that channel. For most scopes, you can target another scope by providing a link, mention, or ID of the target scope. For example, tul!proxy off #channel will disable proxying in the #channel channel instead of the current one.

There are three possible states for scoped settings:

  • Disabled: Disable the setting at and below this scope.
  • Passthrough: Inherit the setting from a higher scope.
  • Enabled: Enable the setting at and below this scope.

To understand how the different states work, let's run through a simple scenario.

  • You have Proxying set to Disabled in a server, and Enabled in the channel #roleplay in that server.
  • You try to use your tupper in a thread in the #roleplay channel.
  • Your Proxying settings are processed in order:
    1. Default - Enabled by default.
    2. Global - Passthrough. Nothing happens.
    3. Server - Disabled by your server setting.
    4. Category - Passthrough. Proxying is still Disabled from the Server setting.
    5. Channel - Enabled by your channel setting.
    6. Thread - Passthrough. Proxying is still Enabled from the Channel setting.
  • The final result is that Proxying is Enabled, so the tupper works. Hurray!