

  • tul!proxy enable [scope]
    • Enable proxying in the given scope, or in the current server by default.
  • tul!proxy disable [scope]
    • Disable proxying in the given scope, or in the current server by default.
  • tul!proxy status
    • View your current proxy settings in this server.

Note: Tupperbox has a configurable prefix. In command examples above, replace tul! with your server's Tupperbox prefix where necessary.

Proxying is what happens when you talk through a tupper. When proxying is disabled, you can't talk with tuppers.

Scoped Commands At the end of any of these commands, you can add one of these scopes: global, server, category, channel, thread. This allows you to do things like restrict tuppers to a specific category so that you don't accidentally use them in other channels. Use tul!help scopes to learn more about how you can use scopes.

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