

  • tul!find <name>
    • Searches for tuppers with names containing <name> registered to members in this server.

Note: Tupperbox has a configurable prefix. In command examples above, replace tul! with your server's Tupperbox prefix where necessary.

This command searches all members in the server and therefore is restricted in very large servers. If you're trying to find one of your own tuppers, try using the middle button on tul!list instead. Alternatively, you can DM Tupperbox with the tul!find command to just search your own tuppers.

This command has additional named arguments: sort - Sort by age, number of posts, or name. Defaults to internal order. order - Sort in ascending or descending order. Default is set based on sort method. display - Configure the information displayed in the list, either full or compact. Defaults to full.

Examples: tul!list sans sort:posts display:compact - Show a condensed list of tuppers with sans in their name, sorted by message count. tul!find tom sort:age order:asc - Find tuppers named tom sorted by age, newest first.

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