

  • tul!brackets <name>
    • Show all brackets for <name>.
  • tul!brackets <name> <brackets>
    • Change <name>'s brackets to <brackets>.
  • tul!brackets add <name> <brackets>
    • Give <name> another set of brackets to proxy with.
  • tul!brackets remove <name> <brackets>
    • Remove the brackets <brackets> from <name>.

Note: Tupperbox has a configurable prefix. In command examples above, replace tul! with your server's Tupperbox prefix where necessary.

Brackets must contain the exact word text with letters or symbols before or after it. For example, the brackets r:text allow you to say "hello" by writing r:hello. You can have brackets on both sides - >text< allows you to say "hello" by writing >hello<.

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