

  • tul!prune [posts:#] [days:#] [name:?]
    • Remove tuppers with a post count below the given threshold. By default, removes tuppers with 0 messages sent.

Note: Tupperbox has a configurable prefix. In command examples above, replace tul! with your server's Tupperbox prefix where necessary.

You'll have a chance to check which tuppers will be removed and cancel the prune.

This command has additional named arguments: posts - tuppers which have been used more than this many times will not be pruned, default 0. days - tuppers newer than this many days old will not be pruned, default 0. name - tuppers with names matching this name will be pruned, default is blank (matching all tuppers).

Examples: tul!prune posts:10 - remove all tuppers with less than 10 posts. tul!prune posts:5 days:30 - remove all tuppers with less than 5 posts and more than 30 days old.

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