

  • tul!cfg prefix <newPrefix>
    • Change my prefix, changing how you run commands in this server.
  • tul!cfg rename <newname>
    • Change the default name for 'tupper' to <newname>. Everywhere in commands I would use 'tupper' will be replaced with this new name.
  • tul!cfg log <channel>
    • Enable tupper message logging in <channel>. Useful for having a searchable channel and for moderation.
  • tul!cfg log clear
    • Disable tupper message logging.
  • tul!cfg allow/deny/clear <permission>
    • Allow or deny the specified permission for all users. This changes the default setting and is useful for e.g. denying proxy permission to all users but allowing it to users with a given role. Check tul!help permissions for more info.
  • tul!cfg allow/deny/clear <permission> <target> [target]...
    • Allow or deny or clear the specified permission for the specified channels/roles/users. Check tul!help permissions for more info.
  • tul!cfg show [target]
    • Show current permissions for the specified channel, role, or user, or a summary view of all permissions in this server if no target specified.
  • tul!cfg reset
    • Reset all server settings and permissions to default.

Note: Tupperbox has a configurable prefix. In command examples above, replace tul! with your server's Tupperbox prefix where necessary.

Valid permissions for the allow/deny/clear subcommands are as follows: commands - Controls whether users can run Tupperbox commands. proxies - Controls whether users can talk through tuppers. queries - Controls whether users can discover information about other users' tuppers. Affected functions: tul!find, tul!showuser, ❓ reactions

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