

  • tul!banner <name>
    • Show <name>'s current banner.
  • tul!banner <name> [url/attachment] [crop:direction]
    • Change <name>'s banner to the one in the URL or attachment.
  • tul!banner <name> clear
    • Remove <name>'s banner.

Note: Tupperbox has a configurable prefix. In command examples above, replace tul! with your server's Tupperbox prefix where necessary.

Note! This is a Tupperbox Premium feature. Tupper banners can be set and will show up in commands like tul!show, tul!card, and the Tupperbox Dashboard. Unfortunately, they won't show up in Discord itself - this is a limitation of Discord.

It's possible to simply upload the new banner as an attachment while running the command instead of providing the URL. If a URL is provided, it must be a direct link to an image - that is, the URL should end in .jpg or .png or another common image filetype.

When setting the banner, you can specify a crop direction as a named argument. Valid crop directions are: top, bottom, left, right, topleft, topright, bottomleft, bottomright. For example, tul!banner &lt;name&gt; crop:bottom will center the crop on the bottom side of the attached image.

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